Solange Furious With Magazine For Cutting Her Hair Off The Cover

Solange Furious With Magazine For Cutting Her Hair Off The Cover

The London Evening Standard has pissed off Solange, Y’all. And she has a clear message for them following her interview with the publication: Don’t touch my hair!

The cover of the Evening Standard Magazine features the singer wearing a white ruffled dress, striking pearl earrings, and a sleek, braided hairstyle. For the issue, Solange speaks about the importance of black hair, but there’s fury over the editors removing her braided crown from the cover.

In the same image posted to her Instagram page on Thursday (seen above), Solange is rocking a beautiful braided crown that didn’t make an appearance on the magazine cover.

She captioned her photo “dtmh,” an abbreviation for “Don’t Touch My Hair,” the title of a song from her acclaimed latest album. She also tagged the Evening Standard Magazine in the photo.

Several fans posted comments below the magazine’s own post, asking why editors changed her hair.

The London Evening Standard story — titled: “Solange: ‘I Miss Out On Chances By Wanting Control Over My Body’” — focuses heavily on the importance she places on her image.

Below is an excerpt from the story Solange posted, per The Huff Post.

“Braiding is important to Knowles. It is an ‘act of beauty, an act of convenience and an act of tradition’ ― it is ‘its own art form,’ she adds. Every black woman has a personal journey with her own hair, and for Knowles it began in her mother’s salon which was a refuge ― a ‘spare bedroom so to speak’ for her as a young girl. Growing up there was pivotal. “I got to experience women arriving in one state of mind and leaving in a completely transformed way,” she said. “It wasn’t just about the hair. It was about the sisterhood and the storytelling.”

The crown represents the Orion constellation, which Solange said inspired her latest performance series, Orion’s Rise, and it is even tattooed on her inner right arm.

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(Photo Credit: Associated Press)