By: Otis Moss, Rev. Delmon Coates and Rev. Charles Jenkins: As African-American clergy deeply committed to the welfare of our communities and the future...
Well I guess we know who will be singing again at the 2013 inaugural Ball if President Obama is elected. Beyonce and Jay-Z raised over...
Mitt Romney Tells Millionaire Donors what he really thinks of America’s Middle Class. Now for those of you who were thinking of voting for Mitt...
Same Sex Marriage not a problem according to Rev. Jesse Jackson. The Grio is reporting that Rev. Jesse Jackson mentioned to a Human Events outlet...
President Barack Obama made me so proud tonight. He spoke with passion, enthusiasm and certainty. In a nutshell our President showed Mr.Clint Eastwood that HE...
Jamal Bryant, Pastor of Empowerment Temple is bringing in all the heavy weights to alert citizens around the country and get them involved in the...
It is now confirmed, Congressman Jesse Jackson being treated for Bipolar II depression, still hospitalized and currently relating well to treatment. In a statement from...
Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., spoke with the Huffington Post to give an update on the health status of his son, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. who...
President Barack Obama stated he was shocked and saddened by the crimes committed against the citizens of Aurora Colorado and instead of maintaining a grueling...
By: WASHINGTON — A half-million Americans in 10 states with voter identification laws face serious challenges to obtaining the necessary photo documentation, according...
CLB family please keep Jesse Jackson Jr. in your prayers,there are news reports stating he is more seriously ill than previously reported. Jackson’s spokesman, Frank...
He’s Back! Charles Steele to once again head up SCLC?? I thought one of the reasons he left was that he was tired of...