Sunday night’s episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta” saw the ladies come together to share their respective experiences with domestic violence.
Kenya Moore tackled the role of producer for a PSA to spread awareness about the widespread issue.
“I decided to produce a PSA on domestic violence to help spread the word on this important issue,” she said during the episode, according to People. “When it comes to domestic violence, you don’t have to look very far to find someone who has been adversely affected by it.”
She kicked off the conversation by recalling the time a violent ex-boyfriend tried to kill her when she was a teenager.
“When I was 16 years old, I dated someone who was 11 years my senior,” she said. “It turned out to be a very physically abusive relationship to the point where I was stabbed, nearly killing me.”
She explained that she still deals with the trauma from that relationship, to this very day.
“Knowing that this day and age — 20, 30 years later — it’s still occurring,” she said. “I really wanted to do something about it.”
NeNe Leakes also shared her experience. “I was abused very young,” she said. “I was dating a guy that was the first guy that ever said I love you. And I took when he said ‘I love you’ to heart. Like, ‘This is love!’ And even when he hit me, I thought, ‘This is love.’ ”
“I stayed in that abusive relationship for really a long time,” Leakes continued. “I ended up having a child from that relationship. And eventually, I was able to get out.”
Shamea Morton and Cynthia’s Bailey’s mom Barbara Morris also gave testimonials.
“His hand went across my face so hard,” Morton alleged, adding that her ex-was jealous and had accused her of cheating on him. “The one pair of fancy shoes that I finally got from him, he knocked me right out of them. My shoes were over here and I was on the ground over there.”
Bailey revealed that she was very young when her mother was going through this.
“Though I was very young when all this was going on, I know that my dad was physically and verbally abusive towards my mom,” Bailey said. “I am proud of my mom because I know this is hard for her to talk about. She grew up in a generation where you just didn’t talk about that stuff. And I know this is a huge opportunity for her to heal from the situation and really really have some closure.”
Moore, Bailey, Kandi Burruss, Sheree Whitfield and NeNe Leakes came together at the end of the PSA to tell viewers, “There is no excuse for abuse.”
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