Joel Osteen America’s Night of Hope draws Large Crowd

Joels osteen americas night of hope

Joel Osteen America’s Night of Hope organized some of the most beloved pastors in the New York city area to join him in ” A Night of Hope”.  These great faith leaders took time out of their schedules to make declarations over

the area’s schools, government, its workers and their lives.

Each minister too the mic for a few minutes and stated their declarations before handing it over to the next pastor.  The cities represented included New York New Jersey, pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, most members of Osteen’s  Lake Wood Church’s Champions Network that is dedicated to helping christians find a church home in a town near them.

Here are a few excerpts of the sermonetts offered:


The Rev. A.R. Bernard, Christian Culture Center, Brooklyn, New York
“We declare that the blessings of Almighty God are upon this city, this great state, our nation. We thank you Lord for all of those workers that serve our communities so well whether first responders, educators, hospital workers, wherever they serve, we declare Your blessings upon them and their families, and we do it in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen!”Below is an audio player and a transcript of the declarations made by the pastors who joined Osteen on stage before an estimated 50,000 attendees Saturday night at Yankee Stadium.

Bishop Hezekiah Walker, Love Fellowship Tabernacle, Brooklyn, New York
“We declare a power and authority on every church here in this area. We declare that (unintelligible) to the pulling down of strongholds. Every member of every church, we declare a prosperity miracle upon your life and on your pastor, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.”
Pastor Carl Lentz, Hillsong Church, New York City
“Tonight we declare John 3:16 over this city. For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son so that the whosoevers in Brooklyn, and the whosoevers in Staten Island, and the whosoever’s in Manhattan shall not perish but have everlasting life. Give God some praise for Jesus!”

Pastor Osteen
“Lord, I receive what these gentlemen said. Lord (unintelligible) of all of our hearts. Not only those here, but those that are watching, those that are listening. Lord, I pronounce this declaration in the name of Jesus that right now You are releasing us from defeat into victory, releasing us from sickness into health, releasing us from depression into joy, releasing us from addictions into freedom, releasing us from debt and lack into abundance, releasing us from everything that’s holding us back into total victory. I declare that every chain is being loosed, every stronghold is coming down. You’re going to step into a new level of your destiny, in Jesus’ name. If you receive it, can you say amen!”

“America’s Night of Hope” is a two-hour praise and worship event that includes encouragement from Victoria Osteen, a testimony from Dodie Osteen, prayer, a message from Pastor Osteen and an altar call for those in attendance who want to make a decision for Jesus Christ. Several such events are held throughout the year across the United States. Joel and Victoria Osteen lead Lakewood Church, America’s largest Christian congregation that attracts more than 52,000 worshippers weekly.
