Creflo Dollar Jet is in the making and from reviewing the official statement they are basically saying we got it like that! Now before we go pouncing on Creflo lets take a walk backdown memory lane when I spilled the beans on a lot of pastors with private jets
Here is an excerpt of World Changers Church International Board of Directors official statement:
World Changers Church International (WCCI) is a Georgia-based 501c3 non-profit organization that was formed almost 30 years ago for one purpose – global Christian ministry. Doing business as Creflo Dollar Ministries (CDM) worldwide, the ministry has offices on every continent and is engaged in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, meeting the spiritual and physical needs of people everywhere, and providing opportunities for people in challenging circumstances to build self-esteem and develop self-sufficiency. In addition to the standard fiscal and governance duties of any board, this board has standing committees in three major areas – ethics, audit and finance – to insure that all ministry policies, expenditures and activities are in full compliance with the Word of God, standard accounting practices and all applicable laws and regulations. In light of recent media speculation and erroneous public information regarding a fundraising campaign to replace the ministry’s airplane, we feel compelled to offer the following statement…