Do you have some juicy ”Street Committee” church gossip on your home church? Well don’t be scared, submit your church gossip to the Church Lady, don’t worry Chile, I won’t tell nobody your name and I’ ll only share it with the world. (Lol)
If you would like to submit a praise report on your church or if you are an author or musician trying to promote your next project, e-mail me the details and I’ll do my best to promote it for you on thechurchladyblogs. Now you authors and muscians don’t be sending me a dissertation, just a press release and headshot will be fine.
All article submissions, promotions and juicy bits of church news should be E-mailed to:
Now you know we don’t do nothing for free, all the church lady asks is that you follower her on twitter at @churchladyblogs and like my facebook page at the top of the screen.
Thanks and take care!
The Churchlady