Black Boy Joy Is This Kid’s Reaction To Getting Accepting Into Harvard

Black Boy Joy Is This Kid’s Reaction To Getting Accepting Into Harvard

'Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts'

Most high school students who applied to colleges earlier than most of their peers are starting to receive acceptance letters.

16-year old Ayrton Little is now a viral sensation after a video of his hype Harvard acceptance made its rounds on the Internet. And unlike most college acceptance reveal videos when the kids are with their families, the best part about Ayrton’s was that his friends were in the background and were just as excited as him when he discovered he’d got into the prestigious University.

More students who would be apart of Little’s graduating class of 2022 even reached out and congratulated him on Twitter:

But Ayrton isn’t the only one enjoying the viral love from his video. Hit the flip to see Alex The Great’s lit acceptance clip — and congrats to all the students receiving their acceptance letters already.

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