Bishop Eddie Long Needs Our Prayer and Respect!

Bishop Eddie Long released a statement today:

“I am recovering from a health challenge that I trust God to deliver me from. It is unrelated to the eating for life diet consisting of mostly raw vegetables that I am continuing, as part of a holistic approach to good health. At this time, my family and I are requesting that you respect our privacy. I truly appreciate your prayers and support for me, my loved ones and my beloved New Birth Church Family.”


While the statement did not disclose the particulars, it has for that he has terminal cancer.  We must do what we do, CLB and pray for our brother.

As Christians, we believe that there is “Power in the Blood” and while searching for something uplifting to post as a word of encouragement to Bishop Long and his family, the Lord let me to this powerful video presented above the post by NewBirth Asia, “The Blood Still Works!”

To Bishop Long, his family, and Newbirth Church family, you are in my prayers and out of respect for you and your families, the CLB will accommodate your requests to respect your privacy.  CLB from this day forward, the CLB will only be posting official statements that come from the Newbirth Missionary Baptist Church as it relates to Bishop Eddie Long’s Health.

I am also calling on my fellow bloggers to do the same, at some point, we have to draw the line, now is the time!