Jericho City of Praise Update Exclusive: Church Board Taking Pastor Joel Pepples Back to Court Allegedly in Retaliation of Members refusal to give Tithes and offerings to the Church

The People of Praise Md contacted The Church Lady Blogs to advise that the self appointed  Board of Jericho City of Praise in Maryland   is once again taking Pastor Joel  Peeples back to court,  claiming  this time, contempt of court.

It appears from the E-mail sent to me below that  at least some  members of  people of  praise   have finally decided to with-hold  their giving to the church until the Board offers them a  congregational meeting  that discloses  financial information. Allegedly it is the people of praise belief that the contempt of court  letter is in direct retaliation for the members decision to  tithes and offerings to the church.


Church Lady,

Thank you for your continued prayers. Pastor Joel remains our Pastor much to the dismay of the self appointed rogue board.  He is moving forward with the vision despite the attempts to thwart him.  Our congregation stands firmly behind our pastor and we are adding souls weekly.  We continue to stand in the gap for our Pastor.  We are fighting spiritual wickedness in high places.  This unelected self appointed rogue board is retaliating against Pastor Joel and Chairman Meadows because the congregation is not giving our tithes and offerings to them. They cannot do anything to the congregation so they are going after Pastor Joel.  If fact they have refused our repeated requests for a congregational meeting.  They have yet to stand before the congregation to introduce themselves.  They have asked the Judge to find Pastor Joel and Chairman Meadows in contempt of court.  Pastor Joel has not taken any money, tithes or offerings that belong to Jericho. Take a look at what they are asking the court to order. www.peopleofpraisemd It’s clear that their only concern is money.  They do not care about winning souls, the congregation or the ministry, only the money. Their lawyer is getting rich off of the church. It’s unbelievable.  We cannot make this stuff up.

To God be all the glory!

People of Praise Md  “


To see the People of Praise response click here POP Response to Contempt Letter

I think this is a crying shame these employees (Board) appear to  have lost their wisdom and I pray not their souls.  the complaint  appears to be  referring to Joel Peeples ministries and not Jericho City of Praise, hence, are they saying that the Church is  entitled to monies Pastor Joel Peeples has been offered while operating  under his own ministry?  Chile Please! This self-appointed Board has  been fighting with Pastor Joel Peeples in and out of court since his mother died.  It’s time for them to get over the fact that God did NOT annoint them to lead Jericho City of Praise then they need to get somewhere and sit down so that Pastor Joel can continue to lead that Flock, period!

We MUST keep this Church and Pastor Joel Peeples in our prayers CLB Family.  I am glad that the church is standing up for itself and that they are supporting their Pastor, this too shall pass and when you stand before our God I am sure He will say Well done, my good and faithful servants.


(c)  Please credit with link back any material used from this exclusive article.  Thanks and bless you Chile!